About Save the Grape

Scores of grape varietals have disappeared from the face of the earth forever. Save the Grape is a mission-driven wine club focused on bringing to your table the lost and forgotten, the overshadowed and under-represented — that way no more grapes suffer the same fate. We can do good with every bottle of wine we open, every glass of wine we pour, every sip of wine we take… all we have to do is drink.


About Your Sommelier

Ashwin Muthiah founded Personal Sommelier DC in 2018 as a means to bring wine education with a focus on off-the-beaten-path wines to the curious tasters of the world. Ashwin has lived in Tbilisi, Georgia studying the history of wine; in Toscana, Italy exploring the pleasures of food, wine, cheese, olive oil, prosciutto; in Islay, Scotland distilling peated and unpeated whisky; and many other flavor-destinations around the world. He is the author of a memoir In Pursuit of Flavor and an avid taster of anything and everything.